
Got A Rental In Wicklund Village?

By Shelley Puentes March 4, 2017

Too many simply believe that they can buy property in Mountain House and earn wealth with little hassle and effort. Unfortunately, that is not the reality in real estate investing in some Mountain House villages right now. The starting point is to understand the financial aspects of the property that you own. Hopefully, when you pencil it out, your Mountain House is an asset that is a good investment that will improve your long term prosperity and retirement picture otherwise if your cash flow is negative it's time to sell. Unfortunately, #1 most single family home investors don't understand that they should have positive cash flow and #2 all real estate need updating at some point. And that point has come for the homes in Wicklund Village. You've received your money's worth out of the builder's upgrades that came with the house and now it's time to renovate if not for your renters sake and to maintain your investment then for resale. For a personal consultation about what renovations will bring you the most bang for your buck contact me at 510-427-5399 or